Google Map | An application for viewing and information about any place in the world
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Navigate your world faster and easier with Google Maps. More than 220 countries and territories are on the map and millions of businesses and places are on the map. Get real-time GPS navigation, traffic and transit information, and explore local neighborhoods knowing where to eat, drink and go - no matter where in the world you are.
Get there early with real-time updates
Beat the traffic with real-time ETAs and traffic conditions
Share your bus, train or ride with real-time transit information
Save time with automatic rerouting based on live traffic, events and road closures
Find places and explore like a local
Find local restaurants, events and activities that matter to you
Find out what trends and new positions are opening up in areas that are important to you
Decide more confidently with "your match" that you are likely to like the location
Simplified group planning. Share a short list of choices and vote in real-time
List your favorite places and share with friends
Follow must-see sites recommended by local experts, Google and publishers
Review the places you've visited. Add photos, missing roads and places.
Experience more on Google Maps
Offline maps to find and navigate without internet connection
Street view and indoor image for restaurants, shops, museums etc.
Interior maps to quickly find your way inside large venues like airports, malls and stadiums
Google Map | An application for viewing and information about any place in the world
About the use of Google Maps.
Sometimes we use Google Maps to point us in the right direction. Which gives us a complete navigation facility. But have you used Google Maps with such tricks? Today we are going to tell you about such tricks that you might be unfamiliar with and willfully say that it is fun.
- You can also download the map from Google Maps and attach it to your phone's CDS car or bike. The downloaded map is automatically updated if it is exposed to WiFi. And you will be able to enjoy offline map.
- If you have downloaded offline map, you can add your home, office address in default location. This will make navigation faster and you will know the traffic coming from your home.
- Google Maps also has location sharing option. So that you can share the location within the stipulated time. You can send these features to your friends and family as proof of your location.
- A guest comes in the house when there is a sudden call and if there is nothing in the kitchen, then Google will help you in that too.
- If your bike has run out of petrol and you do not have an idea of the petrol pump, then you will also find a petrol pump in Google Map, then recently the location of the toilet can also be searched in Google.
- Google Drive gives you the option of double tap zooming whereas 'zooming' while driving and on Google Maps is a bit difficult.
- Google Map will also show you train timetable and your destination time route ratio.
- Google Maps also allows you to track your location if you can't remember which route you came from.
Google Maps now has so many features that it will also give you income. Google gives special rewards to those who respond according to their surveys. To get this reward, you need to add your information to Google Maps..
Find Any Place In The World This Way With The Google Maps App
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